Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What a show! TXTKirito X tom_dumoulin

Oh my goddddddd! Ladies & Gentlemen! What a show! That's how I start my gossip today, seriously. I can't believe I was there and I watched everything. First of all, thank you, Mister TXTKirito & tom_dumoulin! You guys made my day. 

There was I, doing nothing, asking myself why people don't follow Regina's rule and won't use pink on Wednesdays... Then I saw Tsunbabo saying "Enough! Both of you will get a warning if you don't stop right now". I saw myself running for that goss, oh my god, I couldn't let it go. Seriously. I grabbed my popcorn, and I started to watch the best show ever. 

(Toxic content warning! - Please, I'm not here to spread bad things about people, I'm a journalist and I'm just giving you the news! If you really think that I wanna cause more fights, disagreements, friends stop being friends, and spread bad news, you are reading it wrong. Life is too short, and we are just playing a game, soon we will be grown-ups! And we will remember this time with a smile on our lips. So please, just make it fun, not a bad-toxic thing). 

If you are lost and don't know what is happening in the FTF don't you worry, I'm gonna explain everything now. Everything started when TXTKirito went to the FTF to promote xoMayxo, when tom_dumoulin came and said it to Kirito:

In the main while, westbruh is only interested in the code, what's the code? What code?

I wonder... Where's TXTKirito?

There we go... All the show was because TXTKirito was promoting xoMayxo when she was busy with someone at her desk, TXT says that when he went to promote her, she was alone. But tom_dumoulin says he is lying and he was a screenshot. Bonus: TXTKirito will get a verbal warning! 

Tom insists that TXT is lying even when xoMayxo says that the guy came to her desk after TXT called her attention to be promoted. Things will get more serious now, Tsunbabo came to stop the show! 

Dear readers, have you got your popcorn? Not yet? Then get it! The show will warm up now!! Wait for that comeback!!!

After tom yells at TXT saying that he's a promo hunter, TXT says that tom does more camper than him. And Tsunbabo is about to finish the show when he says:

So they all started to whisper and the show was over. As a good reporter that I am, of course, I wouldn't post the goss without giving an ear to them, right? 

So after the whole show! I went to talk to TXTKirito and tom_dumoulin, and both of them gave their version of the story! Follow now the interview: 

My dear readers, I, unfortunately, was AFK when he went to promote the girl, I really didn't see if she was at service or not. What do you think? Do you think he is saying the truth?

Well, Tom didn't want to talk a lot with us, but he said he has screenshots and sent them to the superior. I don't know if TXT got the warning verbal or not. What do you think? 

And that was the show! I hope you guys enjoyed gossiping with me! But before I go I wanna give a huuuuugeeee shoutout to our sweetheart, who says that Bloom Blook is toxic. 

Well, what I can say? Haters gonna hate! 

1 comment:


  Hellow gals & bois. This summer we had so much fun with Habbox , it was four teams with the theme of superheroes, so you could choose ...