Tuesday, September 6, 2022



Hellow gals & bois.

This summer we had so much fun with Habbox, it was four teams with the theme of superheroes, so you could choose a team to join and help them to win the competition, I was in the green team which sadly ranked in 4th position, -cries. We have our best though, and we had so much fun that worthies every second we spent in the pixel world. 

I also joined Habbox staff team as a DJ and host, at first, I was concerned to broadcast, Habbo.com is so different from .br, when you DJ on a Brazilian fan site you spend your slot talking and interacting with the listeners than playing music... Here, on .com I have the feeling that we most play music and occasionally host an air competition. But anyway, I joined their team and I was having so much fun on air. 

Gals & bois, oh my goshhhh, screams! I still cannot believe I've won not one but two categories in the award, although, I did get nominated in three categories, oh lord-, that is so fetch!

Awwn lawrawrrr that was so cute and definitely FETCH! Thank you!

I don't even know where and how to start... I wanna thank everyone who voted me the best newcomer, Habbox is way more than just a fan site, it's a place where you can be yourself and you are going to get supported, it's about people, caring, and a lot of fun. I'm so glad I've joined Habbox staff team, you guys are amazing and definitely made my summer more special. It's so funny how a virtual game can help us to have a better day and to make new friends. Thank you once again, you are da bestttti.

That's something that I wasn't waiting coming, you guys are the best, once again, I'm so honored to be on a fan site where you can just be yourself and no one is judging you. There's something about Habbox that makes us wanna stay and just give our best to this site, it's not just about getting on the air and playing music, it's also about communication, you know? If you are in a portal that gives you the chance to be heard, you have to give your best, you have to make people smile and be happy, cause we don't know how hard was their day, maybe they are in Habbo because it's their escape from our painful world, so of course, if you have the chance to make it better, you should do it. 

I would say that Habbox is also with me on this one, we are a portal of communication, and our main goal is to entertain is to make people happy, this pixel world has so many stories and so many memories, I guess most of us started to play Habbo when we were a kid when having a computer at home was so hard, it's about coming back to that golden times of us just being kids and not worrying about how to be a successful adult. 

I've never seen Habbo so active in the last five years, Hxss made history, and the community was back to life again, I was so excited to just finish my shift and login into Habbo and get points to my team or to just DJ and touch people.

Thank you so much guys, this was a big event, we don't imagine how hard those guys have worked to make this happen, it was a big dedication just to entertain us, I wish from the bottom of my heart that everyone who has worked in Hxss get a big blessing from the man above us, and can I say just one more thing? That WAS SO FUCKING FETCH! 

See you around the hotel,
and remember, 
"On Wednesdays we wear pink", so get that pink color on your outfit and smash it!

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  Hellow gals & bois. This summer we had so much fun with Habbox , it was four teams with the theme of superheroes, so you could choose ...